We are a family run business and passionate about Horse Showing.

Having kept horses for over 24 years and running Internet Horse Showing for 5 years we have a wealth of experience covering horses, ponies, donkeys and showing.

Showing is a very big part of our equestrian lifestyle. Why? Because we want to share the love and dedication we put into our horses which as you know can be a lifestyle more than a hobby.

We started Internet Horse Showing to give you the opportunity to celebrate what you love. Traditional showing has become harder to obtain with rising fuel costs, travelling expenses and work/family commitments to consider. We have created an alternative way for you to get involved with horse showing that brings all the fun from traditional show from the comfort of your home; allowing more people to get involved.

Internet Horse Showing is a Horse Showing platform. Every 6 weeks we run a number of Classes in different areas. We offer a range of fantastic prizes such as sashes, rosettes, medals, trophies, place ribbons, certificates and not forgetting some great prizes given by our sponsors.

Once you have found a class that fits your horse all you have to do is following these simple steps.

  • Take a photo/video that shows-off your Horse for the chosen Class.
  • Submit your entry via our entry form or emailing it to us. Entries only cost £3.50 unless stated otherwise and you can enter more than once.
  • Once processed your entry can be viewed on the Classes page gallery.
  • Your entry will be judged by our panel of experienced resident and guest judges.
  • The winner will be added to the Winners Gallery and your prize will be sent to you. Every Class has runners up which will also be announced.

Our aim is to have fun sharing what we love to do whilst building a community of liked minded people.